ClickHome 3.12.8
You asked, we listened! We are very excited to launch two major new improvements.
With 3.12.8 Tenders is now available on the new UI and we rolled out Request For Credit Functionality 🎉
Here's a sneak peek of the Tenders makeover:
and introducing RFC:
Tenders: Changed the way included and extra quantity work on included options in Mobile Leads.
Extra quantity on included options are no longer linked to the Package. They are treated as a separate option selection.
Added a new tender status - 'Superseded'. Tenders will be automatically given this status when a new tender is created that supersedes it.
Tenders, Silverlight: In Tenders Package Admin, added the ability to search for package options by name and category, to improve both performance and efficiency of use.
Tenders, Security: Added new security : 12344 - this allows you to edit the included quantity of an option in a package.
RFC Changes: Released RFC Functionality - Added a new split task type - 'Return to Site' - to support the RFC workflow.
Documents: Improved performance downloading contracts in the Contract Document list page.
Backend Jobs: Added a System Setting to sync documents to JobFile in bulk. This will improve bulk uploads to JobFile.
Please visit the full release notes to all technical notes and bug fixes.
This release includes database changes to notes. This will force a rebuild of the notes table. This will drop non standard indexes. This will required a re-creation of all indexes. This will take 30 minutes or an hour in some cases.
This version also includes structural changes to the Tenders Module. Please notify the support team for extra instructions prior to upgrade.